Fulbright 2020-2021 Intent to Apply!

Fulbright Intent to Apply:

Interested in applying to Fulbright?  Once the application opens on March 31st, 2020, please complete the following steps:
1. Create an account for a Fulbright application account - name, email, password
2. Complete the Preliminary Questions

  • 2 Yes/No Questions
  • Select which Award Type you intend to apply for (you can change this anytime)

3. Review Instructions - you can also return to this later and move directly to the Award Information page
4. Complete the Award Information Page

  • Required: What type of applicant are you? Select Appalachian State University
  • Optional: Award Type, Country, Award Selection, and Award Details - you can leave this blank, select what you maybe, sorta, possibly want to do, or if you have a clear idea already, go ahead and give those details. Remember, you can change this at any time.

Congratulations, you have now completed the Intent to Apply process!

Published: Apr 19, 2019 6:09am
