Fulbright Week: February 16-18
Appalachian State University is hosting Fulbright Week 2021, an annual event organized and supported by multiple partners across campus, including administrative offices and faculty. A plethora of virtual events have been planned to help share the many opportunities available to you through Fulbright, answer questions you have about the program, and help you prepare a strong Fulbright application.
The week is sponsored by the Office of International Education and Development, the Office of Research, and Nationally Competitive Scholarships.
We look forward to seeing you many times during this week!
This year also marks the Fulbright Program’s 75th Anniversary. Over the last 75 years, over 400,000 Fulbrighters from the United States and from over 160 partner countries across the globe, have participated in the program and worked to build mutual understanding. Be sure to check the Fulbright@75 website to see how you can join the celebrations. (OIED)
Click here for Student Workshop Schedule